kids in a classroom

Back-to-School Tips for Co-Parents

The beginning of the school year is closer than you may think. If you co-parent your child with a divorced or separated parent, you probably already understand some of the issues that arise in doing so. Or perhaps this is the first school year in which you must co-parent. Regardless, Cohen Family Law is here…

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Woman holding child's hand.

Best Interests of the Child Factors in Arizona

When a couple is divorcing, child custody battles can become fierce fast. Children, after all, go to the heart of the family and so much of our lives. Sometimes, co-parents are able to reach an agreement on all child custody issues and the agreement is ratified by the court without incident. This can be great…

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woman holding child's hands

What Is Parental Alienation?

It is an unfortunate reality that divorces can get messy. They are personal and emotional. When children are involved, the impacts can run particularly deep. Sometimes, parents cannot separate the hurt they are feeling and it comes out in unproductive and even emotionally harmful ways. For instance, a parent may make it a mission to…

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Stepparent with child

Mistakes Co-Parents Make After the Holidays

No matter how many holiday seasons have passed after your divorce, they can still prove challenging, particularly so when you and your former spouse have children in common. Navigating the post-divorce world as a parent can prove challenging in ways that may very well have been initially unforeseen. Each passing of a holiday may bring…

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