Woman pulling away from abusive spouse

Obtaining a Restraining Order Against an Abusive Spouse

Facing an abusive spouse can be an extremely challenging and frightening experience. In Arizona, individuals can seek protection through restraining orders, a legal measure designed to prevent further abuse. This process allows for immediate action to safeguard one’s well-being and establish legal boundaries against an abuser. It offers a crucial path toward safety and recovery in the face of domestic violence.

Understanding Restraining Orders in Arizona

A restraining order in Arizona, often referred to as an order of protection, serves as a legal barrier to shield victims from their abusers. These orders can prohibit the abuser from coming near the victim, contacting them, or visiting places frequently attended by the victim, such as their home, workplace, or school. Arizona law provides for several types of restraining orders, tailored to the relationship between the victim and the abuser and the nature of the abuse. Whether it’s a temporary order that offers immediate but short-term protection, or a more permanent solution following a court hearing, restraining orders are important tools in the fight against domestic violence.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a restraining order against an abusive spouse in Arizona, individuals must satisfy certain criteria:

  • Close Relationship: The person seeking protection (petitioner) must share a significant relationship with the abuser (respondent). This includes current or former spouses, individuals who live or have lived together in a romantic or sexual relationship, and those who have a child in common or are related by blood or marriage.
  • Specific Types of Abuse: The abuse must be clearly defined and include physical injury or assault, threats of violence that reasonably cause fear, harassment that significantly disrupts one’s peace or safety, stalking, sexual assault, or any behavior that would qualify as domestic violence under Arizona law.
  • Recent Incidents or Ongoing Threats: The petitioner must demonstrate that the abuse or threat occurred recently enough to justify the need for immediate protection. A pattern of abuse over time can also meet this criterion, showing an ongoing threat to the petitioner’s safety.

The Application Process

  • Find the Appropriate Court: Begin by identifying the nearest court that handles restraining orders, typically your local municipal, justice, or superior court.
  • Complete the Application: Fill out the necessary forms, providing detailed information about the abuser, the type of abuse experienced, and specific incidents of violence or threats. Include dates and locations if possible.
  • Gather Evidence: Compile any evidence of abuse, such as photographs, text messages, emails, medical reports, or police reports, to support your application.
  • File the Petition: Submit your completed application and evidence to the court. 
  • Attend the Hearing: After filing, you’ll receive a date for a hearing where a judge will review your case. 
  • Temporary Orders: If immediate protection is needed, request a temporary restraining order (TRO) when you file, which can be granted without the abuser’s presence and lasts until the full hearing.
  • Service of the Order: Once a restraining order is granted, law enforcement will serve the order on the abuser, making it legally enforceable.

What Happens After Filing?

Once a restraining order is filed, a temporary order may be issued immediately, offering protection until the court hearing. This hearing is where both parties can present their case. The judge will consider the evidence and decide whether to grant a final restraining order, which can last up to a year and be extended as necessary. During this period, the abuser is legally obligated to avoid contact with the petitioner and may face additional restrictions, such as staying away from the petitioner’s home, workplace, or other specified locations. Violating a restraining order carries serious legal consequences, including arrest and criminal charges, ensuring the petitioner’s safety and legal protection.

How Cohen Family Law Can Help

Cohen Family Law offers compassionate guidance and skilled legal representation to navigate the complexities of obtaining a restraining order. With a dedicated team by your side, you can confidently address your safety concerns. Reach out to Cohen Family Law today to secure the protection and peace of mind you deserve.