Spousal Maintenance Arrears

Alimony payment check with wedding rings and cash

Spousal maintenance arrears in Arizona refer to overdue payments that one ex-spouse legally owes to the other following a divorce or separation. These payments, determined by court orders, aim to support the recipient’s living expenses. Falling into arrears can lead to significant legal and financial consequences, affecting both parties’ lives. It’s important to understand how these arrears accrue and the potential implications if you are involved in a spousal maintenance agreement.

Understanding Spousal Maintenance in Arizona

Spousal maintenance, often referred to as alimony, is a legal obligation in Arizona where one ex-spouse must provide financial support to the other post-divorce. This support is designed to help the receiving party, who may be at a financial disadvantage post-divorce, achieve self-sufficiency. In Arizona, courts consider various factors when determining eligibility and the amount of spousal maintenance. These factors include the duration of the marriage, the age and health of both parties, their respective earning capacities, and contributions to the household, including career sacrifices. The goal is to ensure a fair and equitable financial arrangement that allows both individuals to transition into post-marriage life. It’s not awarded in every divorce case, but when it is, understanding the basis of these decisions can help individuals better prepare and plan for their financial futures.

What Are Spousal Maintenance Arrears?

Spousal maintenance arrears occur when a party responsible for paying alimony falls behind on their scheduled payments. This can happen for various reasons, such as changes in financial circumstances, misunderstanding of payment obligations, or intentional non-compliance. Once payments are missed, the owed amounts accumulate into arrears. In Arizona, these overdue amounts carry legal weight, obligating the payor to fulfill their missed payments. Arrears can lead to significant financial strain on both parties, as the recipient depends on these payments for daily living expenses. Additionally, accruing arrears can complicate the payor’s financial situation due to accruing interest and potential legal actions to enforce payment. 

Legal Consequences of Not Paying Spousal Maintenance

Failing to pay spousal maintenance in Arizona can lead to severe legal consequences for the non-compliant party. Initially, the court may issue an order to enforce payment, leading to wage garnishments where a portion of the payor’s income is directly diverted to the recipient. Additionally, the court may impose liens on the payor’s property or seize assets to cover the owed amounts. Beyond financial penalties, non-payment can result in contempt of court charges, which might lead to fines or even jail time, emphasizing the legal system’s commitment to enforcing these obligations.

Interest on the overdue amount accrues from the date of the missed payment, increasing the total owed. This not only exacerbates the financial burden but also impacts the payor’s credit score and financial reputation. Therefore, individuals must understand the importance of adhering to spousal maintenance orders to avoid these significant legal and financial repercussions.

How to Avoid Falling Into Arrears

To avoid falling into spousal maintenance arrears, it’s important to prioritize these payments similarly to any other significant financial obligation. Setting up automatic transfers or reminders can help ensure payments are made on time. If experiencing financial difficulties, it’s crucial to act proactively by seeking legal advice or contacting the court to explore the possibility of modifying the maintenance order. Transparency with the receiving ex-spouse about financial challenges can also be beneficial, as it may lead to temporary arrangements outside of court. Additionally, maintaining organized financial records helps track payments and avoid disputes. By taking these steps, individuals can manage their spousal maintenance commitments effectively and prevent the legal and financial complications associated with falling into arrears.

What to Do If You Are Owed Arrears

If you are owed spousal maintenance arrears, it’s important to take prompt and strategic action. First, document all missed payments, as detailed records can significantly strengthen your case. Next, communicate with your ex-spouse, if possible, to understand the reason for the missed payments and seek a resolution. If this approach fails or is not feasible, consider contacting a family law attorney to discuss your options. An attorney can help you file a motion with the court to enforce the spousal maintenance order. The court may then take various actions, such as garnishing the payor’s wages, seizing assets, or imposing fines to recover the owed amount. Acting quickly and with legal support can help ensure you receive the financial support you’re entitled to. 

Contact an Experienced Spousal Maintenance Attorney

Cohen Family Law is dedicated to guiding you through the complexities of spousal maintenance arrears. Our team offers personalized solutions and support to protect your financial interests. If you’re facing challenges with spousal maintenance, don’t navigate this alone. Contact us today to explore how we can assist you in resolving your legal matters efficiently and effectively.