Parental Abduction to Avoid Shared Custody

Q: Can I just flee an abusive ex-spouse with my child to avoid sharing custody? Arizona family law attorneys know that most parents would do just about anything for their children or grandchildren. Sometimes, even if it was illegal. After getting a divorce in Arizona, many couples have a fresh start towards a happier life….

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Winning a Custody Battle

Q: What happens if I have to fight for custody of my child? Sometimes, when people separate or divorce in Phoenix, they are able to amicably work through the necessary steps of dividing their assets, parting ways and moving on with their lives. But when a couple shares children, the break is not as “clean”…

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Custody Issues in Drug-Exposed Baby Cases

Q: Does the protocol for the custody of children born exposed to drugs keep kids safe? When couples with children divorce or otherwise dissolve their relationship, the court will consider what is in the best interest of the child when determining how much legal decision-making and parenting time each parent will have with the children….

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Removing Children from Their Parents in Arizona

Q: What is the policy for removing children from their parents in Arizona? The one phrase typically associated with the many complicated layers of a divorce proceeding is “What is in the best interest of the child?” This question is at the very forefront of child custody and visitation negotiations and determinations. Under Arizona law,…

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Arizona’s Shared Parenting Time & Legal Decision-Making: A Model for Other States

Q: Is Arizona’s shared parenting policy a “model worth copying” for other states? Nationally, many states are moving toward a more egalitarian concept of “shared parenting” after divorce–which is a step away from the more stringent, less balanced child custody and visitation processes that have existed for decades. Historically, courts have often granted custody to…

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The Rights of Grandparents

Do grandparents have visitation and other rights in Arizona?    Given the changes in the nature of contemporary families, grandparents often play a crucial role in raising and caring for their grandchildren. As such, questions over visitation and custody are becoming more common.  In Arizona, the state created a legal right to visitation for grandparents…

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The Trouble with Arizona’s Child-Welfare System

What is being done to address the problems of the child-welfare system in Arizona? Arizona’s child-welfare system has been plagued by longstanding problems centered on placing children in safe and permanent homes. The Department of Child Safety (DCS) was created two years ago to provide prevention, intervention and treatment services to support child safety. Now,…

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