Media Star Sherri Shepard Ordered to Pay Child Support for Child Born Via Surrogate; Previously Cited ‘Fraud’

What happens if a couple enters into a surrogate agreement and later splits?  Surrogacy and gestational carrier laws have proven historically tricky for family courts to unravel, especially if the relationship between the father, mother, and surrogate sours before the birth of the child. To better understand the dynamic, there are two types of “surrogates”…

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International Child Support

Can I enforce a child support order if the other parent is out of the country? Your child support order from an Arizona court can be enforced abroad. The United States has reciprocity agreements with 16 countries and Canadian provinces. The Department of State is negotiating declarations with others on behalf of all U.S. jurisdictions,…

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Child Support Arrest Warrants

Can You Be Arrested for Failure to Appear at a Child Support Hearing? Arizona family law judges are given the power to enforce child support orders, including the power to issue arrest warrants. It is rare that a judge in a non-criminal case issues an arrest warrant, but it can and does  happen. When writing…

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