Glendale Child Custody Attorney

Father and daughter playing on floor.

Child custody cases stand as some of the most emotionally intense and complicated aspects of family law. These situations can involve one parent feeling unfairly restricted from spending time with their child, or a parent who may have serious concerns about the child’s safety and welfare due to the other parent’s actions. The heart of these disputes is rooted in the genuine fears and intentions of each parent, with the child’s future and well-being at the center. In such sensitive matters, it’s crucial to have a legal team well-versed in child custody laws to protect your rights as a parent and to ensure that the child’s best interests remain the primary focus in any resolution.

How Is Child Custody Handled in Arizona?

Child custody, referred to in Arizona as legal decision-making and parenting time, is a multifaceted issue that hinges on the best interests of the child. Legal decision-making refers to the right to make significant decisions about the child’s upbringing, including education, healthcare, and religious training. Parenting time, on the other hand, determines how much time each parent spends with the child, directly impacting the daily care and nurturing of the child. The state’s laws aim to ensure that the child’s welfare is paramount in any custody arrangement, with courts considering various factors to determine the most suitable living and decision-making arrangements. 

Arizona courts often encourage and support joint custody arrangements, believing that active involvement from both parents is typically in the child’s best interests. However, this is not a fixed rule, and the courts will deviate from this preference if evidence suggests that joint custody is not beneficial for the child. In cases involving concerns such as domestic violence or substance abuse, the court takes extra precautions to protect the child’s safety and well-being. Ultimately, each decision is tailored to the specifics of the case, with the child’s health, safety, and emotional well-being guiding the court’s rulings.

Factors Considered in Child Custody Decisions

The key factors typically considered in child custody decisions include:

  • Best Interests of the Child: The paramount consideration, focusing on the child’s overall welfare and happiness.
  • Child’s Wishes: Depending on the child’s age and maturity, their preferences may be taken into account.
  • Health and Safety: Evaluating the physical, mental, and emotional health of both the child and the parents.
  • Parent-Child Relationship: The nature and extent of the relationship and bond between the child and each parent.
  • Adjustment to Home, School, and Community: How well the child is integrated and adjusted in their current living situation, school, and community.
  • Parental Willingness to Foster a Relationship with the Other Parent: The ability and willingness of each parent to encourage and allow a continuing relationship between the child and the other parent.
  • History of Domestic Violence or Substance Abuse: Any history of domestic violence, substance abuse, or other behaviors that might endanger the child’s well-being.
  • Parental Stability: The stability of each parent’s home environment and lifestyle, including work schedules and support systems.
  • Sibling Relationships: The impact of custody decisions on the child’s relationship with siblings.
  • Parent’s Ability to Provide: Consideration of each parent’s ability to provide for the child’s physical, emotional, and educational needs.
  • Any False Reports of Child Abuse: Evaluation of any instances where a parent might have falsely reported child abuse to gain an advantage in the custody case. 

In Arizona, there is also a requirement for parents involved in custody disputes to participate in a parent education program. This program is designed to help parents understand the impact of family separation on children and to teach effective co-parenting strategies. Its primary goal is to equip parents with the tools necessary to foster a supportive and healthy environment for their children during and after the custody process.

Custody Modifications and Enforcement

Custody modifications and enforcement are critical aspects of family law, reflecting the evolving needs and circumstances of both parents and children. Modifications to existing custody arrangements may be necessary due to significant changes in a parent’s life, like relocation, a new job, or alterations in the child’s needs as they grow older. To modify custody, a parent must demonstrate to the court that there has been a substantial and continuing change in circumstances since the last order, and that the modification is in the child’s best interest.

Enforcement, on the other hand, becomes necessary when one parent does not comply with the established custody order. In such cases, the other parent can seek the court’s assistance to enforce the order. This may involve legal actions like filing a petition for contempt or seeking other court remedies to ensure compliance. These legal mechanisms ensure that custody arrangements adapt to changing needs and are consistently upheld for the child’s welfare.

How We Can Help You with Your Child Custody Case

At Cohen Family Law, we are dedicated to assisting you through the complexities of your Glendale child custody case with professionalism and empathy. Our team understands the nuances of Arizona’s custody laws and brings a wealth of experience in representing parents in similar situations. We work closely with you to understand your unique circumstances, crafting a strategy that prioritizes your child’s best interests while safeguarding your parental rights. From navigating the initial filing process to representing you in court or negotiations, we provide comprehensive support. Our goal is to ease the emotional burden of this process, offering clear guidance and robust advocacy to achieve a resolution that aligns with your family’s needs and values.

Contact an Experienced Glendale Child Custody Attorney

Cohen Family Law is deeply committed to supporting families in Glendale through their most challenging times. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate, knowledgeable legal assistance tailored to each family’s unique needs. We encourage you to reach out to us, so we can stand beside you in securing the best possible future for you and your loved ones.