woman taking off her wedding ring

Things to Do Before Divorce

You may have been considering divorce for a while. It is a big decision and one that usually necessitates a great deal of reflection. If you have decided to move forward with divorce, you may feel prepared to proceed. After all, it is likely something you have thought about a lot. There are, however, some things that you may not have considered as you prepare yourself for divorce. Divorce can change your life in ways even the most thorough self-reflection can take for granted. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help prepare for divorce to make the process and your post-divorce life easier.

Things to do Before Divorce

Before divorce proceedings begin, you should prepare yourself for the road ahead. This means preparing yourself emotionally, financially, and procedurally. These are some of the more prominent levels that can be deeply impacted by divorce.

Emotionally preparing yourself for divorce can go far beyond the self-reflection you may have been engaging in as you decide on getting a divorce in the first place. It can mean building up your support system with people you can lean on when times get tough. It can involve talking to your friends and family about your plans for divorce and how they can support you. You may also want to turn your focus more towards self-care as divorce can require fortifying your personal walls, so to speak. Think about the things that are important to you and the things that bring you joy. Prioritize these things. Invest time in your beloved hobbies. Get the manicure or massage you always have on your wish list. Treat yourself well. Be kind to yourself.

Financial preparation for divorce is a big thing on the divorce to-do list. Divorce can have significant and far-reaching impacts on your finances. This is not just because that there will be costs and fees associated with getting a divorce. It is also a major financial transition to post-divorce life. Now is the time to review and clean up your finances as best as possible. Review your credit health and look for ways you can improve your credit score. Plan for your post-divorce budget. You may be going from a double income household to a single income household which means you may be covering more expenses with less money.

Last, but certainly not least, you can do a lot to prepare procedurally for divorce. Get in touch with a trusted family law attorney in your area and they can let you know the documents you will need to gather and organize to prepare for divorce proceedings. This kind of preparation can streamline the divorce process and help things move along quicker than they normally would.

Family Law Attorney

Divorce can change your life. It is a fresh start and a new chapter. At Cohen Family Law, we are here to help set you up for the most successful post-divorce life possible. The sooner you get in touch with us, the sooner we can get to work helping you and protecting your best interests. Contact us today.