Paternity Fraud: Legal Implications in Arizona

Paternity fraud is a serious and complex issue that can have significant legal, emotional, and financial consequences for all parties involved. In Arizona, paternity fraud occurs when a woman falsely identifies a man as the biological father of her child, either intentionally or unintentionally. This deception can have far-reaching implications, affecting child custody, visitation rights,…

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Challenges Fathers Face in Custody Disputes

Custody disputes can be complex for all involved, particularly for fathers who might encounter distinct challenges. Despite evolving societal norms, biases and stereotypes continue to influence the outcomes of these disputes, potentially putting fathers at a disadvantage. Recognizing these challenges is important for any parent embroiled in a custody battle, as it can significantly affect…

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Child Abandonment in Arizona

Is abandoning a child ever legal? Arizona divorce attorneys are accustomed to parents fighting over custody of their children as, more often than not, both parents want sole or joint/shared custody. Except in particular circumstances, courts generally favor both parents making the important legal decisions regarding their child and deem shared involvement after divorce to…

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Arizona Ruling Rocks Same-Sex Parental Rights

Q: Should paternity rights in Arizona be gender-neutral? The Arizona Supreme Court, in a landmark decision, has ruled in the McLaughlin case, that paternity rights in Arizona would be interpreted as gender-neutral.  The impact of this ruling is a legal victory in same-sex Arizona legal decision-making and parenting time cases for non-biological intended parents.  In…

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Establishing Paternity in Arizona

Q: Why and how is paternity established? Establishing paternity in Arizona can benefit both the child and biological father by creating “legal, emotional, social and economic ties” between them.  Paternity is defined as the state of being a father, so establishing paternity is proving through genetic DNA testing that a man is someone’s biological father….

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Determining Fatherhood in Arizona

How Does the Arizona Paternity System Work?   If you are a father, you have the legal responsibility to provide support for your minor child unless the mother is willing and able to totally financially support the child and does not want your help. Even if you do not want a role in raising the…

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