Divorced woman receiving alimony.

What Are the Risks of Not Paying Alimony in Arizona?

Spousal maintenance, also known as alimony, is commonly ordered in Arizona divorce cases. Oftentimes, the spouse responsible for making the payments faces difficult financial circumstances, and missing a payment might cross their mind.  Regardless of the economics of their situation, the responsible spouse should do everything in their power to fulfill their court-mandated obligation. The…

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Divorcing couple sitting at a table thinking about a contesting divorce

4 Reasons to Contest Your Divorce

Amicable and drama-free divorces do indeed exist. But let’s face it, the norm is for there to be at least a splash of drama in most divorce proceedings. In many cases, there’s enough volatility to warrant a contesting divorce. Contested and Uncontested Divorces In Arizona, a divorce starts when one spouse files a petition for…

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